Monday, February 4, 2008

Source control

I had planned to write code today. I really did. It is Monday after all and my sitter is here for 6 hours. But my husband has decided to help me out on my current project and suddenly it became necessary to set up a source control system to share my code and to allow him to make changes. I had wanted to set up source control anyway so that I could save versions of my code. So when I run into problems like I did this morning where something isn't working that used to work, I could go back to last week's version and see exactly what I changed.

I chose Subversion (svn) for my source control system since it is well regarded and free, but I don't know the system that well, so I didn't want to try to set up and host my own Subversion repositories on our network. So I decided to use ProjectLocker, an online svn hosting website. For my needs, I was able to set up a hosted repository for $30 for the year.

That was the easy part. Then I had to install an svn client (I chose TortoiseSVN) and now I am trying to figure out how to upload my source code to my new repositories. I was a die-hard Visual SourceSafe user at my former company and SourceSafe and svn are nothing alike. So the learning curve is steep.

Maybe tomorrow I will write code.

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